APSACS Peshawar has become an emblem of unblemished love and innate sanctity of human life and our children. A threat to the peace of human existence, an innuendo intended to sabotage the morale of the armed forces fighting the beasts of terrorism, unshielded the weaponry and brought into open, the infantries, prepared to counteract the menacing dogs of hell. TTP would have been welcomed here, only if that was Islam they propagated. What they have perpetrated so far in the name of Islam, is a war on humanity and human kind. APSACS, is the Army Public Schools and Colleges System of education, imparting knowledge to the kids of the army personnel as well as of the non-army, and civilians.
The crime against humanity, that shook the APSACS Peshawar on Dec 16th, 2014, brought down on us unparalleled grief and irreparable wounds. The resilience to affliction and pain, that the kids and the families of the school displayed, post Dec 16, 2014, has also no parallel in history of education and human civilization. Albeit, it would have appeared the assault must have left the victims and the related, dead or paralyzed for life, the ground realities came as a stark contrast to what was considered probable to happen.
The strategic manoeuvre to counter the demons, was so designed, that it left the friends and foes equally dumbfounded. Some at the success of it and some at the expense of it. Almost a year down the lane, today, terrorism in Pakistan has already become a history, almost. I will not forget to mention the collective amnesia, we suffer from, as a nation. Gratefully enough, nothing is happening to bring back the memory of everyday terrorism we faced together, in every part of this land.
The Prime Minister of Pakistan, had promised the nation last year that he would bring to justice the culprits responsible for that flagitious act, I was reminded by an advocate of the government, a few days back, when Gen. Raheel Sharif signed a few more black warrants. The ‘intellectuals’ make a big deal of ‘classification’ of information, all over the world. I do not think this makes any difference to the reality, when it is not the people but a herd of sheep you need to convince, that the prime minister of Pakistan has won the war on terror. Classified or otherwise, nothing matters much when, the masses have been reared to covet the necessities of life at the expense of faith, unity and discipline. Those who have done the job do not sweat over laurels and accolades. Those who strive to extract from the masses for self and self, will die striving for that.
Yes, a democratic government happened to be holding the office, when the armed forces of Pakistan uprooted the terrorism from this land. Promises are kept, when there is an overseer making sure you keep your word like an honorable gentleman.I have literally no words to praise the PM, and in the end, I just want to say what must I say, ‘Respect and love to APSACS Peshawar’, and ‘Thankyou Raheel Sharif’.