Criminals are a very sharp minded people. They always think ahead of their times. They are always on the look out for devising ways and means to hoodwink the law and order enforcing agencies after committing offences so as to save their skin. Since they invent or discover new escape routes it is highly essential that those responsible for enforcing the writ of the state are always on their toes and modify or amend the existing laws in order to make them biting, if need be, or carry out our new legislation commensurate with the demands of time and in this connection a great responsibility devolves on the shoulders of parliament. Unfortunately, our parliament hasn’t proved equal to the task. One has yet to see parliament carrying out any serious legislative business. Its members, more often than not, indulge in empty rhetoric on non issues. Small wonder many political observers bill parliament as a debating club only.
It would have been better if the PM had made it a regular feature to attend National Assembly once a week for an hour or so for answering assembly questions. Most of the PMs of this country can be faulted on this count as they didn’t give a damn to it. Presidential ordinances is not a good way of passing new laws. Every piece of legislation directly affects the lives of common man, therefore, every clause of it needs to be debated threadbare and analysed from every angle. Hasty legislation often results in bad laws.
Let us admit that parliamentary democracy exists in name only in this country. It needs to be implemented in letter and spirit if we are to benefit from it.